WA’s new premier, the ALP’s Mark McGowan, stated before the election that he wouldn’t overturn any final approvals that had been made, but what is final approval? What does the change of government mean for the 4 proposed uranium mines in WA and what does it mean for affected communities?
On today’s show, we speak to Mia Pepper, Nuclear Free Campaigner at the Conservation Council of WA; Mr Glen Cooke, an Ngaanyatjarra elder from the Ngaanyatjarra Nation in the Western Desert and Dave Sweeney from the Australian Conservation Foundation.
Related Links
Lobby Labor to stop the four proposed uranium mines
Sign the Uranium Free Charter
Take a selfie - with the Ban Uranium Mining Permanently sign and post to social media #walabor #uraniumfreewaq
Get in touch with Labor:
Minister.Dawson@dpc.wa.gov.au - (08) 6552 5800
Minister.Johnston@dpc.wa.gov.au - (08) 6552 6700
wa-government@dpc.wa.gov.au - (08) 6552 5000
For your local member https://walabor.org.au/MPs
Emma Crunch, Michaela Stubbs, Sam Gibbard & Johan Kettle.