On this weeks show Chris talks to Sam Hibbins, member for Prahran and Victorian Greens Transport spokeperson, about immediate need for new cycling infrastructure, funding and building a safe bike network that creates jobs and supports physical distancing during the COVID19 pandemic as part of the Green New Deal. As cities across the world quickly implement cycling infrastructure, the Victorian state government continues to do nothing, despite a massive boom with cycling across Australia.
News includes VicRoads Sydney Road report that illustrates that users support parking removal for protected bicycle lanes, the report was made public after a Freedom of Information request by The Age, The Conversation: Coronavirus is a ‘sliding doors’ moment. What we do now could change Earth’s trajectory and Sensible Transport Institute "Keeping public transport safe under COVID-19 restrictions" as the threat of COVID-19 has caused the largest shift in travel behaviour in living memory.
Chris, Faith, Val and Steve