City Limits - It's The Economy Stupid!

Wednesday, 30 November 2016 - 9:00am to 10:00am

Is Australia about to lose it's AAA rating and if so how much sleep can we expect to lose? How sustainable is the state of the economy and the economic system in general?

What repercussions does this have in terms of finding the funding for much needed infrastructure?  Former assistant commissioner of taxation, John Passant keeps us up-to-date with where we are at and what we can expect in a system that just keeps giving..... to the one percent.

We also discuss the proposed redevelopment of Queen Victoria Market as well as the increasing development pressure that is being placed on market sites in general across the metropolitan area.

The music is from Syrian Rue, a Perth outfit from the mid 2000's who (with a couple of additions and subtractions) went on to become Shock Octopus.


Wednesday 9:00am to 10:00am
Urban environment issues, analysing government services, both federal and state and local campaigns.


Kevin Healy, Zeb Peake & Karina Aedo-Aguilera



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