This week Kevin and Zeb chat with anti-nuclear campaigner from the Australian Conservation Foundation, Dave Sweeney.
In the wake of the 76th Anniversary of the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, nuclear issues still plague our country.
Amongst topics discussed today:
- How do people who invent and manufacture nuclear weapons sleep at night?
- Federal Labor's policy platform to sign the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons - we'll take it with a pinch of salt but appreciate the discourse!
- Plans for a national radioactive waste site on Barngarla country, Kimba SA to go ahead - without the clause precluding future legal pushback. When 95% of our nuclear waste is already in a protected and secure site, this is unwanted, unnecessary and irresponsible!
Help raise funds for the Barngarla people to have a say on this issue here!
- Mine "rehabilitation" - Australia's 50,000 unrehabilitated mines and the botched Australian model to privatise profits of extractive companies, leaving taxpayers with the costs of cleanup.
- Woodside's plans to dump part of their failed oil facility into our 2nd largest reef, Ningaloo (WA), leaching toxic contaminants like manganese into the world heritage site, and "Scarborough", their proposed collaboration with BHP which aims to emit 1.5B tonnes of carbon into our atmosphere.
- The latest red-flag of a report released by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, and why Australian conservative politicians are still hostage to a sector that will continue to burn until the bitter end, despite the consensus between scientists, economists, and we the people!