October Housing Week - 'Decant' and Demolish the flats?

Wednesday, 25 October 2023 - 9:00am to 10:00am
New ‘community’ housing currently being built alongside the decommissioned public housing estate at 141 Nicholson St, Carlton. The new building on the left is short with stainless steel cladding and no green space, and the boarded up 16-storey brick building on the right has balconies and graffiti on the base of its façade. The sky is cloudy and traffic is passing on a street in the foreground with tram tracks and multiple lanes.

 After a 2-week cold-induced hiatus, Kevin and Karina return to the program for a belated housing week, catching up on the big news items we missed on the break, then later speaking to Shane McGrath from Housing for the Aged Action Group (HAAG) and housing activist Jack Verdins

 Discussing Daniel Andrews' shameful final announcement as premier to demolish all PH towers and why; we finish on previously successful campaigns and how the community has mobilised in response, with more direct actions around the corner.

 HAAG invites you to their Housing Justice Quilting Bee;

  • 11am-2pm,
  • Thursday 26th of October
  • Level 1, Ross House, Flinders Lane Melbourne

 You can call (03) 9654 7389 to register your attendance, or just show up!

 To access all previous podcasts and any extra links in our podcast descriptions, visit 3cr.org.au/citylimits


Wednesday 9:00am to 10:00am
Urban environment issues, analysing government services, both federal and state and local campaigns.


Kevin Healy, Zeb Peake & Karina Aedo-Aguilera



November Housing Show

20 Nov 2024
November Housing Show

Dumpster diving and RAFFWU

23 Oct 2024
Dumpster diving and RAFFWU

Australian Unemployed Workers Union || A Socialist response to the Housing Crisis

21 Aug 2024
AUWU interview and Vic Socialists housing talk.