Climate Action Radio Show
September 6th 2021
Produced by Vivien Langford
Bruce Robertson - Institute for Energy Economics and Financiual Analysis on collapsing LNG markets,record METHANE emissions even in a covid year, and the IEA proclamation of NO NEW GAS.
Home - The Juice Media Carbon Capture and Storage Satire
Larissa Baldwin - First Nations' Justice Campaign Director at Get UP!
GetUp! - Origin: Don't Frack the NT
Rev Lennox Yearwood : “Stop This Madness”: Rev. Lennox Yearwood Calls to Divest from Fossil Fuels Amid Climate Disasters | Democracy Now!
David Rovics - Song "New Orleans." In sympathy with all those suffering Hurricane Ida 16 years later in the same place and on the same date as Hurricane Katrina.
Dr Nikola Casule - Greenpeace Australia Pacific- Head of research and investigations. Read his report with Climate Warrior - Genevieve Jiva. :GREENPEACE PacifTe_Mana_o_te_Moana-The_state_of_the_Climate_in_the_Pacific_Report_2021.pdf
Dr George Crisp - Doctors for the Environment Australia - Current Campaigns and Projects - DEA
Dr Crisp tells us that all the advances in health achieved in the last 100 years are set to be wrecked unless we stop the advance of Global Heating. Even with 1.1 degrees of warming, look at all the stress on our emergency services around the world, the stress on water supplies, sanitation and nutritious food. All of these underpin our health and are under threat with each fraction of a degree we continue to heat the atmosphere.
Dr Simon Quilty - How a rethink of emergency care is closing the gap, one person at a time (
Dr Quilty also spoke to me during the week about the IPCC report. The projected temperatures expected in Central Australia, exactly where the gas will be exported from, will be 30+ days beyond 40 degrees. He says we do not need any more research. It's not a biomedical solution. "For frequent presenters to Katherine Hospital, poverty and illness go hand in hand. When you are living in an over-crowded house, and the A$20 power card feeding the air conditioner expires on a 43℃ tropical day, when your heart, lungs and kidneys are chronically malfunctioning and the insulin in the fridge slowly warms, the only free number you can call for help is “000” for an ambulance trip to hospital." It was the most memorable thing I learned in the week. COVID has been a wake up call to fix the gaps in our society regarding secure housing, and effective communication to all groups. Life as we knoiw it demands that we build back better, not led by gas, oil, coal or landclearing. I hope to bring you that interview in the future.
Rachel Collis - Song "Meet me there" To support this independent musician in COVID lockdown check out her chirpy message and become a Friend of Rachel (268) What's happening! - YouTube
Brazil: Indigenous Fight Against Destruction of the Amazon (
Paris speed limit: City slams on the brakes with 30 kph rule - CNN
Extinction Rebellion protesters target National Australia Bank | Green Left
City of London's Guildhall targeted by climate change activists - The Frontier Post
For the impacts of gas drilling:Listen to the story of Neil Stanley in Kogan Qld.Neil's Story - Lock the Gate Alliance QGC has never been made accountable for the destruction of sacred sites used for initiation.He says "We want justice for the site and an end to the destruction of cultural heritage by gas mining companies seeking short term profits"
There are many campaign to ban further gas exports from NT Don't frack the NT - Seed (
Using the imformation from the latest IPCC report and the demands from the International Energy Agency we are armed to prevent the gas pipeline proposed in Central Australia. The pipeline from Tennant Creek to Darwin would be parrallel with the Future minded solar power line which supply the Darwin Katherine Grid and then be sent by under sea cable to Singapore. Newsroom | Sun Cable
Climate Action Collective