Monday, 3 March 2025 - 5:00pm to Monday, 10 March 2025 - 6:00pm
Islanders at The Hague Opening Ceremony for ICJAO hearing into climate impact on right to life. Photo: Emiel Hornman/ Greenpeace


Produced by Vivien Langford

March 3rd 2025

C L I M A T E   M O R A L I T Y

+ Focus on Papua New Guinea


"The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don't have any". Alice Walker


Polly Hemmings from The Australia Institute speaks at the Climate Integrity Summit.


MUSIC FOR A WARMING WORLD new album Only One way ahead by Simon Kerr


Dr Gianluca Grimalda in conversation with Nick Breeze at Zurich courtesy of Climate Genn.


Gianluca Grimalda, a climate change researcher, lost his job after he refused to fly back from fieldwork in Papua New Guinea. Gianluca has been “slow travelling” for decades. He thinks his former employer tried to make an example out of him because of his climate activism. It’s one of those stories that reveals the madness of the world—he was sent to research how vulnerable communities are responding to climate change as the seas consume their villages, and then told he could no longer continue that research if he did not commit an act of harm.Subscribe:


PAPUA NEW GUINEA - The Guardian December 31st 2024

Rebecca Bush in Port Moresby

"As well as fishing, many in the province earn a living from coconut and betel nut farming. In recent years, residents say the tides have been rising and weather patterns have shifted, making it harder to grow crops or fish in the oceans, and affecting their livelihoods.

“Many are moving to the mountaintops in Kerema town, while those who have land [further inland in nearby] Murua have moved there,” Trevor says.

“We need a proper count of the population in the area to come up with a way to address it, all land are customarily owned so authorities can’t just relocate people,” she adds. Papua New Guinea is in the process of conducting its first census in many years, which experts say may reveal the population of the Pacific country to be far higher than current estimates of about 10 million people."

Monday 5:00pm to 6:00pm
Climate change - what's hot and what's not. Find out what is happening in community campaigns around the country, as well as the latest science and the solutions that are available now.


Climate Action Collective
