
15 Jun 2015
Why is the Abbott government holding an inquiry into the tax deductible status of environment groups like Friends of the Earth?f
Presenter: Sam Castro, Guest Phil Evans
8 Jun 2015
"Activating the Airwaves", this year's radiothon theme: Dirt Radio doing just that every week
Presenter: John Langer
1 Jun 2015
Why is it feeling more and more like the return of Pauline Hanson's versionof Australia?
Presenter: Sam Castro; Guest: Sean Bedlam
25 May 2015
Melbourne students examine the climate change crisis through writing and story-telling
Presnter: John Langer; Guests: Teacher Sue Dwyer and students from Footscray City College
18 May 2015
Toasting four decades of activism for social justice and environmental sustainabilityogical sustainability.
Presenters: Sam Castro, Colin Grimauld
11 May 2015
Taking effective, creative, strategic action on issues of environmental and social justice
Presenters: Sam Castro, Colin Grimauld; guest: Nicola Paris
4 May 2015
From little things big things grow: Friends of the Earth, 40th birthday reflections
Presenter: John Langer; Guest: Jim Green
27 Apr 2015
the power of street art and the power of protest
Presenter: Colin Grimauld; Guests: Tom Civil, Sam Castro
13 Apr 2015
Taking aim at FoE: government attacks ENGOs
Presenters: John Langer, Colin Grimaud; Guest: Cam Walker
6 Apr 2015
the fracking juggernaut: started in the US, now rolling across Australia
Presenter: John Langer; Guest: John Fenton
30 Mar 2015
The Earthworker Co-operative and Yes2Renewables leading the way
Presenter: Colin Grimauld/Guests; Melissa Corbett and Emily Gayfer guests
23 Mar 2015
This week we talk to a long time activist who does his camaigning around a view that humour helps.
Sam Castro + Colin Grimald with guest Sean Bedlam
16 Mar 2015
Recent video footage showed loggers knocking trees down with koalas and joeys falling out of the trees.
Presenters - John Langer and Sam Castro. Guest - Anthony Amis