The Green Witch Hunt

Sunday, 11 October 2015 - 11:00am to 11:30am
The Green Witch Hunt: another angle to cripple dissent

Green groups have been put under the microscope by the Federal House of Representatives Inquiry into the Tax Status of Environmental Organisations. Currently, the ability to receive tax deductible donations is a lifeblood for many groups fighting for environmental and social justice. The Committee intends to de-legitimise the role of advocacy in protecting the environment, favouring activities like tree-planting over campaigns to stop new coal mines, an essential part of the battle to slow global warming. 


Nicola Paris, CounterAct

Cam Walker, Friends of the Earth

Ian Onley, Gormondale farmer

Kirsty Albion, Australian Youth Climate Coalition

Music by the Lurkers.

Photo: September 21 protest to defend the environmental organisations being scrutinised inside the Victorian Parliament.