Working for the Earth: Citizen scientists, a frack free future and just transitions.

Sunday, 18 September 2016 - 11:00am to 11:30am
Ed Hill with citizen scientist invoice at the Threatened Species Day action 2016.

Today we report on the Goongerah Environment Centre's Threatened Species Day 2016 action, where they presented an invoice to the Victorian Treasurer, Tim Pallas, for over $2 million dollars of citizen scientist's work.  Recordings from the Threatened Species Day action feature Ed Hill (Goongerah Environment Centre), Samantha Dunn & Janet Rice (The Greens) and Callum (Wildlife of the Central Highlands).

We get up to date on the Frack Free Future campaign in Western Australia from Jules Kirby, after a protest at the annual Department of Mines and Petroleum Open Day. 

And we hear about the upcoming 'Walk With the Valley for a Just Transition' with Ellie from The Earthworker Cooperative.  The walk will raise awareness and funds to support the La Trobe Valley community transition from coal to a sustainable energy future.