The Desert Pea and The Frontier Wars March on Anzac

Sunday, 22 April 2018 - 11:00am to 11:30am
The Frontier Wars March meets a line of police at the Australian War Memorial

The Australian frontier wars were a series of conflicts fought between Indigenous Australians and white settlers during the Brittish colonisation of Australia.

Hear from two activists who decided eight years ago  to make banners that remember the frontier war conflicts and join the Anzac march on Anzac day in Canberra to be met by a police line. Now the march has become an annual event attended by hundreds of people with similar actions springing up in other parts of Australia.  

Hear  Hazel Davies: a florist activist who tells the story of the desert pea as an indigenous blood flower, the native equivalent of the red poppy as a symbol of the Frontier Wars. Hazel is teaching others to make Desert Pea wreaths to commemorate the Frontier Wars.

" we show to the public that here is a desperate need to tell the truth about the colonisation of this country and the devastation wreaked upon First Nations Peoples. We need to remember those who defended their rights to their country; who volunteered to fight for their country in modern wars, despite being treated as second class peoples": Sovereign Union


Ed  Hargraves from the Central Austalian Walpiri  tribe 

Michael Ghillar Anderson; a Gomeroi and Euahlayi man  -one of three people who set up the Aboriginal Embassy in 1972 and  leader of The Frontier Wars March on Anzac.

 Sovereign Union Australia 

 Hazel Davies: florist activist working with the Desert Pea as a symbol to commemorate the Frontier Wars; making wreaths and cloth poppies with children and adults as an educational and healing activity.

Graeme Dunstan: master  bannermaker; an organiser who has contributed his banners to every Frontier Wars March on Anzac 

Ned  Hargraves, Michael Ghillar Anderson, Hazel Davies, Graeme Dunstan 

Facebook: Frontier Wars Camp 2018 

Thanks to Wikipedia for the information about The Frontier wars:

Quarterly Essay : Mark McKenna: Moment of Truth; History and Australia’s Future

U-Tube of 2017 Frontier Wars March on Anzac