The Vanishing River, Voices from the Darling, Part 3: Sarah Moles, Cathryn Milne.

Sunday, 11 August 2019 - 11:00am to 11:30am
Cathryn Milne: a young women with a bright look.

 Cathryn Milne: Student and environmentalist: Mildura: " We need a royal commission NOW and a grass roots human movement."

             There is desperation and calls for strong action  as the Darling River dries up. 

 This is  part three of  a  series of interviews with people who are living along the dying  Darling River: witnessing, grieving and crying out for action to bring the water back.

Sarah Moles, Author  from Warwick, Qld; Speaking at the Australian Earth Laws Alliance Symposium  in October 2018:

"I'm watching this space with bated breath, because I know there is more to come, and I can't wait, for a very bright light, 

and a very, very forensic examination to be made of what exactly has gone on."


Song: The  Dying Darling by Tony Smith:

 Earthling Studios is an independent production Pty./Limited Company based in Grassy Head NSW, Australia.

Production staff include - Cath Eaglesham, Sally Hook, Susie Peake and Mark Merritt. 

Earthling Studios Website -  


This week's show is #1204, and was produced by Bec Horridge. with heartythanks to Earthling Studios : 

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