First People First: Pay the Rent

Sunday, 24 May 2020 - 11:00am to 11:30am
Lidia Thorpe standing in front of wall with Aboriginal flag painted on it looking very staunch

First People First: Pay the Rent

Gunai & Gunditjmara activist Lidia Thorpe speaks with Teishan Ahearne about the ongoing impacts of colonisation on Country, and her vision for how non-indigenous allies in the environment movement can do better to unite with and support the struggles of First Nations peoples.

Also, what the Victorian state government’s sneaky moves with extractive industries means for the so-called treaty process they are supposed to be engaged in, as well as Djap Wurrung Embassy blockade and Pay the Rent campaign updates.

Earth Matters #1245 was produced by Nicky Stott & Teishan Ahearne.