Calling for a referendum on the environment and a renewables led recovery. & NSW, VIC, TAS forest campain updates

Sunday, 4 October 2020 - 11:00am to 11:30am
School Strikers at Parliament House, Canberra

The school strikers for climate action are back!   Rosie and Jimmy will tell you clearly what  they want.  Into the lawns of Parliament House Canberran,  they plant hundreds of  placards made by school students  protesting against Morrisons gas led recovery and for renewable energy.
 " I have had to miss out on my school and learning  so that I can do the job the adults are  meant to be doing."  Jimmy,School Striker                    
When the challenges we face seem huge, it is reassuring to talk to some who has been campaigning  longer than most.  Margaret Blakers advises  on why legal responsibility for  the environment  must  ultimately remain with the  federal government   and not  be handed over to the state governments. 
        "It has to be on the desk of the prime minister  of the country if koalas are going to be sent extinct."   Margaret Blakers                                
She calls for a referendum on the environment and stares down the gas led recovery outing it as expensive  and  "stupid".
Guests: Margaret Blakers
              School Strikers: Jimmy and Rosie: 
Music: The Formidable Vegetables: The Climate Movement 


Womens Environmental Leadership Australia  

School Strike for Climate Australia
Earth Matters    #1264 was produced by Bec Horridge