Guardians of the Forest: Indigenous youth global call out

Sunday, 11 October 2020 - 11:00am to 11:30am
Webinar screen grab of headshots of all six participants including Xiye Bastida, Isaias Hernandez, Maria Jose Bejarano de Oliveira, Walela Txai Surui, Jakob Siringoringo & Militza Flaco.

Guardians of the Forest: Indigenous youth global call out

This week on Earth Matters four young indigenous rights activists from around the world discuss impacts of COVID on their communities, and on their environmental campaigns and struggles. They put the call out for young people around the world to unite now in solidarity and fight the global establishment in the face of climate crisis. (recorded webinar)

Moderaters: Xiye Bastida (Mexican/Chilean climate activist) & Isaias Hernandez (Queer Brown Vegan)


Maria Jose Bejarano de Oliveira (Chiquitano Nation & Confederation of Indigenous Peoples of Bolivia & COICA—Coordinator of Indigenous Organizations of the Amazon River Basin)
Walela Txai Surui (Paiter Suruí lawyer & Indignoeus rights activist)
Jakob Siringoringo (Batak Toba & Indigenous Peoples' Alliance of the Archipelago)
Militza Flaco (Emberá Nation & Embera Wounaan Youth Organization of Panama)

Earth Matters #1265 was produced by Nicky Stott

*audio sourced with thanks from a webinar by Guardians of the ForestYouth 4 Nature to amplify and promote the “Roots that heal” fundraiser to support the Global Alliance of Territorial Communities