Vaccine Apartheid: People before Profit

Sunday, 21 March 2021 - 11:00am to 11:30am
People’s Vaccine banner. Orange background with a mix of white and grey text, and one of the People’s Vaccine logos depicting a human head and shoulders in a circle & the words ‘The People’s Vaccine’. The text states: ‘Freely available to everyone, everywhere. I want a people’s vaccine, not a profit vaccine. #PeoplesVaccine

Vaccine Apartheid: People before Profit

90% of people in the global south won't be vaccinated for up to several years due to corporate profiteering. Millions are predicted to die—while the risk of the spread of mutations increases for all of us—just so that Big Pharma can make a Big Profit.

This episode features various speakers from the global People’s Vaccine Alliance at an online rally earlier this month to call out the injustice and greedy stupidity of vaccine-nationalism, vaccine-racism and vaccine-apartheid. (Take action to support this campaign)

The People's Vaccine Alliance are calling for unconditional global vaccine-equity, and are urging that those of us who are living with a glut of privilege in the global north really need to be fighting for the kind of systemic change that puts all people first; and all profits...pretty much never.


Sonia Adesara (medical doctor & activist, UK)
Baba Aye (from the global union federation—Public Services International)
Perpetual Ofori-Ampofo (Health Officer, nursery & midwifery training College, Ghana)
Isabelle Jani-Friend (health & culture writer & disability activist) 
Dr. Thabo Cecil Makgoba (Anglican archbishop of Cape Town)
Caroline Lucas (UK Greens politician)

*Audio sourced, with thanks, from the People’s Vaccine Alliance

This week's show is #1288 and was produced by Nicky Stott