Fight for the Trees: National Tree Day

Sunday, 1 August 2021 - 11:00am to 11:30am
[alt text] Lush mid shot of a rainforest scene with several giant trees thickly covered in ferns and undergrowth. It is daytime but the light seems dim, misty and filtered as if it is raining lightly or the air is very damp.

'We actually can't live without trees. They keep everything going' (Peter Vadiveloo)

Guest presenter Nicky Page chats with volunteer facilitator Anna Markey about her work with Climate for Change—a volunteer-powered, not-for-profit organisation networking Australia wide to support communities to deal with climate crisis by facilitating face-to-face conversations about climate change while working in groups.

Singer/songwriter and environmental & social justice activist Peter Vadiveloo presents his fabulous song called ‘Fight for the Trees’—and explains why he felt compelled to write it.

BIg Gig for Tarkayna Events


Earth Matters #1307 was produced by Nicky Page & Nicky Stott