Animal Oppression as an Extension of White Supremacy with Aph Ko

Sunday, 8 November 2020 - 1:00pm to 2:00pm
Aph Ko

This show features author Aph Ko on connections between speciesism and racism. We also play some of the Animal Activists Forum talk ‘Academic and Activist Reflections on the Animal Advocacy Movement’ by FoS presenter Nick Pendergrast.


Links for the Aph Ko interview:

Check out Aph Ko's work at:

The interview is from Animal Voices, which you can check out at the following site/subscribe to on your favourite podcast app:

Thanks to 3CR Tuesday Breakfast for putting this interview on our radar when they played it on their recent anti-Melbourne Cup special. Also thanks to that show for letting us use their intros for the interview. Check out their show at:


Links for Nick Pendergrast’s talk:

Find out more about and keep up-to-date with the Animal Activists Forum:

You can listen to the full talk here:

The PowerPoint for the talk is available here:

And you can read a series of blog posts building on the points from this talk here:


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