Psychology and Animal Advocacy - PHAIR

Sunday, 14 March 2021 - 1:00pm to 2:00pm
PHAIR Society

We speak with Dr Chris Hopwood, Professor of Psychology from University of California, Davis. Chris is an excellent and prolific psychology researcher asking the question, “why do people do the things they do?”; with an interest, among others, about why some people eat animals and others are vegetarian or vegan.

Chris is also an organiser of the PHAIR Society (Society for the Psychology of Human-Animal Intergroup Relations). The “goal of the PHAIR Society is to advance and promote scientific research and education on a wide range of topics related to how people perceive and treat animals, the consumption of plant-based vs. animal-derived products, animal advocacy, and veganism.” PHAIR are currently running a series of research presentations all about these topics, and leading towards the Animal Advocacy Conference: Insights from the Social Sciences in June 30 – July 2, 2021

You can watch the PHAIR Society research presentations, and find out more about the Animal Advocacy Conference on the PHAIR website.