The Plant Based Treaty with Greta Cuthell from Youth Climate Save VIC

Sunday, 12 December 2021 - 1:00pm to 2:00pm
 Image of Greta holding a baby joey and smiling.

 We discuss the Plant Based Treaty with Greta Cuthell, organiser for Youth Climate Save VIC and why our food systems are inextricably linked to the climate crisis. Greta is an animal advocate and activist, ambassador for climate action and a vegan. 

 The Plant Based Treaty has been designed as a companion to the UNFCCC/Paris Agreement and is the first of its kind to put food systems at the heart of combating the climate crisis. The Treaty aims to halt the widespread degradation of critical ecosystems caused by animal agriculture, to promote a shift to more healthy, sustainable plant-based diets and to actively reverse damage done to planetary functions, ecosystem services and biodiversity. Read more here: 

 Youth Climate Save Victoria are on Instagram

 We played the following songs on the show:

 Runaway by The National 

 Float On by Modest Mouse

 Capsicum by The Teethers 

 You can find music from Freedom of Species on our Spotify playlist here

 Freedom of Species t-shirts: All of the looser fit Freedom of Species shirts have now been sold but there are still fitted shirts available for the reduced price of only $15! Thanks so much to everyone who has already bought a shirt - doing so is a great way to spread the word about our show and also supports 3CR Community Radio to keep our show and all the amazing shows on 3CR going J