Intersectionality, liberation and veganism chat with Andrew

Sunday, 9 June 2024 - 1:00pm to 2:00pm
Photo of Andrew and his child

On today’s show we discuss intersectionality, liberation and veganism with our guest, Andrew.


Andrew is a Melbourne born, raised, and based vegan activist of 18 years, advocating for human and non-human animal rights and social justice issues, whilst also raising a young vegan family. Being proudly Māori, Andrew is focussed on decolonialism in thought and praxis, intersectionality and allyship, and applying these principles to strengthen connections across a variety of communities, and currently invested in Palestinian liberation and anti-war efforts.




  • Dear Coach’s Corner (Propagandhi)  
  • New Ethic (Earth Crisis)  
  • Burning Bridges (Chokehold)  

June marks 3CR’s RADIOTHON at the station and this year’s theme is ‘Sound on for Solidarity’. 'Solidarity' has been at the heart of 3CR's work for nearly five decades across a range of issues and themes. We rely on your financial solidarity during June to keep independent, radical radio on the airwaves. Any amount makes a big difference, and all donations over $2 are tax deductible. 


If you would like to contribute to the Freedom of Species target of $1300 towards the 3CR Radiothon target of $275,000, you can donate here: 

You can also donate online, via phone or in-person at 3CR. All the details are here: 


If you have any feedback on our show or would like to contact us, please email the FoS team at


Thank you for listening.