Total Liberation with Kristy Alger (part 2)

Sunday, 16 April 2023 - 1:00pm to 2:00pm
Photo of Kristy Alger reclining with a sheep

 Kristy Alger joins us for part 2 of our discussion about total liberation and how we can build common ground, and addressing issues of harm that arise in advocacy spaces.

 Part 1 of our discussion can be heard here:

 Kristy writes her blog Writing Liberation on Medium and her last blog piece called No, I will not stand with you is available here:

 Farm Transparency Project's Dominion Anniversary March was held in Naarm/Melbourne on April 8, 2023 and the speeches from the event can be heard here on an earlier show:

 We discussed consistent anti-oppression, a praxis for effective animal rights advocacy developed by Julia Feliz. Read more here including the Vegan Bill for Consistent Anti-Oppression here which we encourage you to sign:

 Music Played:

 Tiddas 'Anthem' -
 Steph Bitter 'The Straw' -
 Agnes Obel 'Fuel To Fire' -

 If you have any feedback on any of our shows, please contact us at

 Thank you for listening.