On the first Wednesday of each month Small Talk hits the airwaves to educate, promote, explore and give you a better understanding of the lives of people with dwarfism. Small Talk is produced and presented by the Short Statured People of Australia (radio team pictured). Now you can listen in anytime via podcast.
3CR's 2011 Annual Report provides a great snapshot of the activities, programming, people and processes in action during 2011 at the station.

It's a great read, beautifully presented and we encourage you to take a look and get
3CR's Roominations team (Tony, Daz, Dale and Tojo pictured) will again be hosting a live outside broadcast from the Where The Heart Is Festival. Held each year in Edinburgh Gardens, the festival is for people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness and features music, performance, lifestyle and pampering activities, art, games and community information.

Tune into 3CR from

Join 3CR’s Talkback with Attitude team Dr Joe Toscano, Pat Khor and technical supremo Michael Smith for a live broadcast from Human Rights Square. Open Microphone – Let the world hear your thoughts.

Where: Human Rights Square (Formerly Melbourne City Square) Cnr Collins and Swanston St Melbourne

On the 18 February 2012 six of 3CR's environmental programs broadcast live from the Sustainable Living Festival in the Greenhouse, Birrarung Marr, Federation Square. Following in a long tradition of bringing radio to the community by the community, the event was broadcast live on 3CR855AM, 3CR Digital and streamed on 3cr.org.au.

IWD 2012

In 2012 3CR is celebrating International Women's Day with 24 hours of women's only radio as well as a street party and live outside broadcast. Tune in on Thursday 8 March for diverse and radical women's voices on the airwaves - current affairs, science, music, poetry, books, human rights, music, laughter and much more will be part of the feast of women's talents and voices on 3CR 855AM, 3CR Digital and 3cr.org.au


Over the past 12 months 3CR has created extraordinary radio from the grassroots: live coverage from Occupy Melbourne and the Tent Embassy, Visioning Justice,
Join 3CR for an activating forum and radio broadcast live from the Sustainable Living Festival. See and hear experienced environmental journalists covering nuclear, climate change, and environmental issues, public transport and earth sharing principles, as well as a lively Q&A session with special guests.
Nominations are now open for Station Worker and Subscriber Representatives to the Community Radio Federation, the highest decision making body at the station.

If you are interested in getting involved in the decision making processes of 3CR please download the form from here.