Not yet been a part of 3CR's Radiothon? Join 3CR's Stick Together crew for a screening of two films on Thursday 18 June at 6pm at The Factory in West Brunswick. Watch The Heart of the Factory and The Concrete Revolution.

Last days left to Radiothon so make sure you are one of the people who support fiesty talented women on radio such as the Girly Is Good programmers (pictured). Their Radiothon program is this Sunday 3pm.

Good Job presenter Shiralee Hood (far right) was joined on her Radiothon show today by singer Ruby Hunter (centre top) and Djiva band members Jessie Lloyd (centre bottom), a Murri from North Queensland and Della Rae Morrison (far left), a Noongar of the South West of Western Australia.

Support 3CR's Community Language programs this week such as Melbourne Chautari (left) by donating to their Radiothon programs. 3CR broadcasts in twenty languages. You can donate any amount, small or large, at anytime by donating online (see right) or calling 03 9419 8377.
You can now follow 3CR on Twitter.

Join now to keep up with the latest Radiothon news and totals!
Have you donated yet? Yes? Great, please pay your pledge (see right). No? Then hurry! We won't have people powered radio without your crucial support. We need to raise $210 000 and we are not there yet... Donate today...even if it's a small amount, make sure you support independent media.
Listen to 3CR when it suits you by subscribing to our twenty eight podcasts.
Left After Breakfast
(pictured), Lost in Science and Human Rights program Right Now Radio have recently joined the list of 3CR programs podcasting weekly.

Tune in on National Sorry Day 2009 on Tuesday, May 26. Sorry Day offers the community the opportunity to participate and be involved in activities that acknowledge the impact of the policies of forcible removal on Australia's Indigenous populations. Find out more about Sorry Day events...

CRAM 2009 is out next week in the lead up to Radiothon 2009 (1 - 14 June) so make sure you are a 3CR Subscriber to receive your copy!

In this CRAM we hear from some of the fabulous people who powered 3CR in the past, discover what makes radio training at 3CR such a unique experience, and are enlightened about our month ahead by Madame H: Revolutionary Astrologer to the Stars. Read on...

3CR familiar faces Kutcha Edwards (left) and Robbie Thorpe join forces on Thursdays 2.30 to 4pm to present Wuigada - the best in Aboriginal music and culture, as well as what’s happening in the local community.