Planet on a Plate: Farming and Eating for Our Future

Sunday, 22 March 2015 - 11:00am to 11:30am
Dr Vandana Shiva

This week on Earth Matters, we're tuning into Dr Vandana Shiva speaking in Sydney in February 2015.

Dr Vandana Shiva is a scientist, ecologist, author and winner of the Sydney Peace Prize. She speaks about food sovereignty and seed freedom, the threats created by industrial globalised farming, industrial monocultures and the use of chemicals. She tells us about how genetic modification is first and foremost an industrial tool to collect royalties on seeds, monopolised by Monsanto and destroying farmers and biodiversity the world over. 

Find out more at and The event "Planet on a Plate" was organised by the GM Free Australia Alliance and the Sydney Food Fairness Alliance.

This week's show is #975 and was produced by Gem Romuld.