Today we report on the Goongerah Environment Centre's Threatened Species Day 2016 action, where they presented an invoice to the Victorian Treasurer, Tim Pallas, for over $2 million dollars of citizen scientist's work. Recordings from the Threatened Species Day action feature Ed Hill (Goongerah Environment Centre), Samantha Dunn & Janet Rice (The Greens) and Callum (Wildlife of the Central Highlands).
We get up to date on the Frack Free Future campaign in Western Australia from Jules Kirby, after a protest at the annual Department of Mines and Petroleum Open Day.
And we hear about the upcoming 'Walk With the Valley for a Just Transition' with Ellie from The Earthworker Cooperative. The walk will raise awareness and funds to support the La Trobe Valley community transition from coal to a sustainable energy future.
Bec Horridge, Claudia Craig & Mia Audrey.