Telling stories of cyclones

Sunday, 4 March 2018 - 11:00am to 11:30am
Global Climate March Suva, 2015. Image credit

People of the Pacific Islands are already feeling the ravages of climate change - be that loss of food production as sea levels rise, the erosion of shorelines, king tides, and the increased occurrence and severity of cyclones.

But Pacific Islanders are speaking out. So on today’s show we are tuning-in to Pasifika voices and amplifying their messages.

We’re going to hear from a brand-new podcast. It’s called Climates of Listening, it’s a special feature produced by Anja Kanngieser and published by Niu Wireless. Part of a new wave of DIY media-making coming out of Fiji.

So pull up a seat and get ready to listen.

Guests: Atueta Rabuka, Krystelle Lavaki, Amelia Rigsby and Peter Sipeli


Earth Matters #1129 was produced by Teishan Ahearne.