Nasty new logging rules

Sunday, 2 December 2018 - 11:00am to 11:30am
Friends of the Forest with Corunna Forest Protection Group and Canberra Forest Alliance at Stand Against  Extinction rally, Parliament House  Canberra.

The new  logging rules for public forests  have just been released.

They are  described as disaster for old growth forests, rainforest, river health, threatened species, Koalas, and global warming.

Liz and Jos camped under trees looking for owls and sea eagles, conducting citizen surveys of two NSW forests on the block be logged:

Corruna Forest and the Corn Trail bushwalking path.

Long time activist Margaret Blakers gives insight into why after decades of campaigning we are still not saving forests. 

She encourages us to jump on board the rising tide of action to stop native forest logging . 


Earth Matters #1168 was produced by Bec Horridge


One Stop Chop

Nationwide list of forest protection groups you can support.

Friends of the Forest Mogo, NSW Facebook

Book: The Forest Wars

Petition : “End Native Forest Logging by 2020”

More about Spotted Quolls 

News stories:

North East Forest Alliance media release:  Logging Rules for Public Forests as bad as always

Australia among the world's worst on biodiversity conservation