Environmental Racism: BIPOC in climate movements

Sunday, 7 June 2020 - 11:00am to 11:30am
shows a profil pic of Patrisse Cullors wearing a shirt that says "Black Lives Matter"; and a screen grab from the virtual panel showing 3 separate screens in one with Fiona Jarvis & Cynthia Leung and Krissy Oliver-Mays participating in panel

Environmental Racism: BIPOC in climate movements

Patrisse Cullors—climate justice & decarceration activist— and one of the original founders of the Black Lives Matter movement— speaks with Khristen Hamilton, from Zero Hour, about the impacts of environmental racism.

Also, Extinction Rebellion youth network activists Fiona Jarvis & Cynthia Leung from XR New York City and Krissy Oliver-Mays from XR Charlotte—speaking on a panel about the representation of People of Colour in the climate justice movement. 

(above audio was recorded, with thanks, during a virtual event organised for Earth Day this year by Climate Strike and Stop The Money Pipeline Coalitions)

Also, check out this podcast of the 3CR live broadcast from the Melbourne Black Lives Matter rally to protest Aboriginal deaths and violence from police & state brutality (and to support current George Floyd/BLM protests in the US) organised by Warriors of Aboriginal Resistance, and held on Saturday 6th June 2020 at vic parliament.


Earth Matters #1247 was produced by Nicky Stott