Indigenous Environment Network: Soil not Oil

Sunday, 8 November 2020 - 11:00am to 11:30am
A black and white image of the Indigenous Environmental Network logo which depicts a turtle carrying north and central America on its back. Surrounded by a circular indigenous design with lines and arrowhead symbols—as well as the logo text, which says ‘Keep it in the ground. Defend + protect + renew. Indigenous Environmental.’

Indigenous Environment Network: Soil not Oil

The Indigenous Environmental Network presents at the Soil not Oil conference 2020 on Indigenous traditional farming, loss of biodiversity and disease, and changing paradigms away from a fossil fuel economy.

Moderator: Tom Goldtooth (Dine'-Dakota & Indigenous Environment Network Director)


Ed Mendoza (Xikano-Nahuatl Indigenous market farmer/permaculturalist, teacher & activist); Linda Black Elk (Dukha-Catawba ethnobotanist & food sovereignty activist) Dallas Goldtooth (Isanti Dakota-Dine’ and & Indigenous Environment Network Campaign Organiser)

Earth Matters #1273 was produced by Nicky Stott

*webinar audio sourced with thanks from the Soil not Oil Conference