June is 3CR's Annual fundraising Radiothon month - give generously to support 3CR.
Maya and John share aspects of their recovery stories and talk about the importance of 3CR to get their fellowship’s message of hope out to the community.
We also raise funds to keep 3CR on air for another year and mention the generous donations from the listening public. We had three generous donations of over $500 donations from Alec Gerrick, Anonymous (from Sorrento) and Peter Fitzgerald, plus a very generous corporate donation of over $1,000 from Cookers Bulk Oils. In total we had 24 donors and by the end of the show we had raised a total of $4,130, well in excess of our target of $1,500. Many thanks to all of our donors for their continued support for the Living Free show.
Show your support to the Living Free show by:
The Living Free Crew