Custodians of Country (Part 2)

Sunday, 22 August 2021 - 11:00am to 11:30am
Zoom grid screen grab of all the participants looking serious and congenially in engaged in conversation.

Heal Country, Heal Climate series NAIDOC 2021

Custodians of Country (part 2) is from a 3 part episode, which covers the role and relationship of First Nations Peoples as Custodians of Country, custodial obligations and responsibilities, traditional Law and perspectives, and international Indigenous rights to self determination protocols.

Presenter: Cathryn Eatock (Gayiri & Badtjula)


Pastor Ray Minnecon (Kabikabi & Gurang-Gurang)

Chris Bonney (Narrunga, Gunditjmara, Ngarrindjeri & Adnyamathanha)

Bruce Pascoe (Yuin)

Dr Virginia Marshall (Wiradjuri & Nyemba)

Custodians of Country (Part 1) LISTEN
Custodians of Country (Part 3 ) LISTEN

The Heal Country, Heal Climate webinar series is a collaboration between the Indigenous Peoples’ Organisation Australia & Better Futures Australia and includes five episodes:
Episode 1 Custodians of Country
Episode 2 Healing our waterways
Episode 3 Healing our lands
Episode 4 Community healing
Episode 5 Pursuing global justice


Earth Matters #1310 was produced by Nicky Stott