Produced by Vivien Langford
Violet CoCo and Sasha Steindl from Extinction Rebellion - RECLAIM OUR FUTURE this October - Action Network
A/Professor Rob Eisenberg - from Vote Earth Now - Vote Earth Now
Rebecca Byrnes from The Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty (
The pressure is on for politicians in the month we have before COP 26 in Glasgow. If you have never contacted the PM or your MP before, now is the time , according to all four of our guests. Extinction Rebellion will be escalating actions in Canberra as our Parliament sits. Their campaign is called (20+) Reclaim Our Future | Facebook Even if you are in lockdown you can phone MPs, Contact Your PM | Prime Minister of Australia or phone Scott Morrison's office on (02) 6277 7700.
At a webinar from The Climate and Health Alliance I learned that . "Health professionals are far more concerned about climate change than the general public. They feel frustrated, outraged and sad when thinking about it". Apparently midwives are among the most alarmed. They want to talk about climate change but feel insufficiently informed . It was pointed out to us by Rebecca Huntley, that fossil fuel lobbyists are not so shy and that armed with information and support ,medical professionals are the most trustworthy messengers to convey positive messages about the health benefits of climate action.The "Real Urgent and Now" survey of Medical Professionals is worth reading and passing on RUN_Survey__September_2021c.pdf (
Meanwhile in London
We speak to Rob Eisenberg whose day job is as an Ear Nose and Throat surgeon and A. Professor in Public Health at Ndewcastle University. He was motivated to create Vote Earth Now by his belief that we must make our government more accountable.Just one click and you can send a message to the political parties that you are a climate voter Vote Power - Vote Earth Now . Let them know you are watching how they ramp up their climate plans before Glasgow.
At a global level there will also be pressure on Fossil Fuel Producing nations to wind back their industry. The Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty ( is a breath takingly well connected new organisation. They will be at Glasgow arguing that it's not just getting emissions down we need, but phasing out the production of coal oil and gas. The UN Report about the production gap between Paris committments and what the fossil fuel industry is actually planning will put out a new edition before Glasgow.2020 Home - Production Gap report shows that global fossil fuel production needs to fall by 6% each year from 2020.Meanwhile the industry is planning at least a 2% INCREASE and Australia is actively signing up new countries for locking in long term coal and gas use. Feeling the Heat | Australian Foreign Affairs, We speak to Rebecca Byrnes from The Fossil Fuel Non Proliferation Treaty about phasing out subsidies and investing in a transformational plan to ensure 100% access to clean energy on a global scale.
Climate Action Collective