A 2021 national inventory found Australia’s low and intermediate waste has a combined volume greater than seven Olympic swimming pools.
This episode looks at the Barngarla Determination Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC v Minister for Resources [2023] court case heard earlier this month, in which traditional owner group Barngarla Determination Aboriginal Corporation, successfully overturned a proposal for a new waste facility in the Kimba, South Australia.
Earth Matters spoke with Emeritus Professor Ian Lowe about the court case and where Australia needs to go next in terms of storage of nuclear waste material.
This episode includes audio from a Barngarla campaign video found here: https://vimeo.com/659125887
You can read Professor Lowe’s article on The Conversation here: ttps://theconversation.com/the-kimba-nuclear-waste-plan-bites-the-dust-heres-what-went-wrong-and-how-to-do-better-next-time-211344
Thumbnail image: https://www.flickr.com/photos/greensmps/8228117331
Bec Horridge, Claudia Craig & Mia Audrey.