Radio for Palestine

Sunday, 14 January 2024 - 2:00pm to 7:00pm
Radio for Palestine poster.

On Sunday 14 January, from 2-7pm 3CR's Salaam Radio Show presented 'Radio for Palestine'.
This special broadcast featured live music and discussions about how to keep Palestinian voices heard and how, as a community of artists here in Naarm, we can build resistance and show our solidarity.

An amazing array of Palestinian, Arabic and Indigenous artists and community organisers featured on the program and the whole show can be listened to on the player at the top of the page. 

Aseel Tayah & Tarabeat (live)
YARA & Kee'ahn (live)
Allara (live)
Nadeem (dj/speaker)
DJ Matab (dj set) 

Loor Awwad (speaker)
Sofia Sabbagh (speaker)

As part of this program Salaam Radio Show is running a fundraiser for Palestinian art collective Bukjeh, and for 3CR Community Radio to continue to speak up for social justice, equality and freedom through running art and music programs. Here's the link for the fundraiser and the proceeds will be split equally between Bukjeh and 3CR to run further Live to Air Music programs for P@lest!ne. 

Occupy Melbourne
3CR has a long history of presenting live coverage of union and social justice protests, blockades and occupations including the Honeymoom Mine occupation, the nurses dispute (including the 2012 nurses dispute), the MUA picket, the S11 World Economic Forum protests, Occupy Melbourne and more recently the TAFE4ALL campaign.
