We hear from Mai Saif, a Palestinian woman born in the West Bank, part of Free Palestine Melbourne and Palestine Community Association Victoria, who spoke at the Disrupt Land Forces public meeting on 21 June 2024. In her speech, Mai speaks about the realities and consequences of "Australia" being complicit in the current Palestinian genocide through weapons exportation.
Don't Nuke the Climate website
Don't Nuke the Climate Facebook Page
Don't Nuke the Climate Instagram Page
Friends of the Earth's statement on climate announcement and Gippsland says NO to nuclear petition. Wendy Farmer from Voices of the Valley and Friend's of the Earth's Yes 2 Renewables is doing some great work in the La Trobe Valley on this.
Australian Conservation Foundation has an email the Coalition action and just published two reports
Power games: Assessing coal to nuclear proposals in Australia (30-page report)
Why nuclear power will never be right for Australia (10 page report)
Please follow Nuclear Free Collective Instagram, Facebook and Twitter and spread the word as far and wide as you can.
Ivka, Frances, Kannagi, Phuong, Juliette, Fiza