Is Veganism A Cult?

Sunday, 29 September 2024 - 1:00pm to 2:00pm
Picture of a cult – people in hooded cloaks etc

Katie, Lottie and Nick go through common characteristics of cults and whether any of them apply to veganism. For those that do, we also discuss if they apply just to some vegans, or are inherent to veganism. Throughout the show, we draw on Katie’s childhood experiences in a cult, Amanda Montell’s book Cultish and the podcast episode ‘The Cult of Veganism’ by Sounds Like A Cult.



 Amanda Montell’s book Cultish:

 The podcast episode ‘The Cult of Veganism’ by Sounds Like a Cult:

 Our previous Freedom of Species show ‘Post-Veganism: Creating a Systemic and Inclusive Animal Liberation Movement’ covered somewhat related themes to this show:



 Animal Liberation by Los Fastidios:

 Hillsong of the Damned by The Decline and Jay Whalley:

 Melbourne by Mia June:

 Home Sweet Home by Eddie Ink: