Nuclear Truth Project with Dimity Hawkins

Saturday, 8 February 2025 - 10:00am to 10:30am

This week we play a recording with Dimity Hawkins from the Nuclear Truth Project recorded during Nuke Free Gathering held in Naarm, Melbourne Feb 1 -  2, 2025. 

Support Nuclear Free WA opposing AUKUS Submarines.

The Department of Defence has lodged it's environmental assessment of the proposed priority works at HMAS Stirling to the Federal Department of Environment for assessment. (aka Submarine Rotational Force -West Priority Infrastructure Works (EPBC Act 2024/10031). 

These developments at HMAS Stirling on Garden Island Meeandip would facilitate SRF - West the rotation of 4 US Virginia Class nuclear powered submarines and a UK Astute Class SSNs from 2027 onwards. The works at the site pose an immediate threat to many endangered species that live in Cockburn Sound Derbal Nara.

The proposed works include:
- upgrade and install new maritime infrastructure including, pier and wharf improvements, mooring dolphin, new small vessel pontoons and berthing, and associated dredging works and piling.
- construct and operate a Controlled Industrial Facility to manage and temporarily store low- level radioactive material and waste. 

Have your say today, and email your submission by Friday 14 February ~

Saturday 10:00am to 10:30am
Current news and information on nuclear, peace and energy issues.


Emma Crunch, Michaela Stubbs, Sam Gibbard & Johan Kettle.
