Local Communities

Aunty Georgina Williams
There are many significant and important elders in the community whose stories are yet to be heard. Yarra Elders Precious Memories documents a portion of these important stories.
Gardening Radiothon 2014

Dig Deep on Sunday 22 June and support 3CR's Gardening Show Annual Radiothon. We’ve got over $13,000 dollars worth of tools, books, seeds, nursery vouchers and subscriptions to reward your donation. So tune in, dig deep and clean up on Sunday 22 June between 7:30 and 10am, then join us at the station after to pick up your prizes, have a cuppa and say G’day. 3CR – Where Resistance is Fertile!

CRAM 2014

The 3CR CRAM Guide is the station's annual magazine free to subscribers. This year the 2014 CRAM joins the resistance! The guide focuses on how 3CR has been the voice of community activism and place of resistance since our inception. Plus we celebrate our proud history of union affiliation, Indigenous solidarity and our role in supporting and growing community campaigns both locally and overseas.

Doug Jordan

Doug Jordan, who co-presented City Limits on Wednesday mornings for 14 years, died on 19th May 2014. He was 63. Doug had been a community activist for many years, a member of many left groups and a confirmed unionist.

A memorial service will be held on June 14 at 2pm at the ETU Office, 200 Arden St, North Melbourne.

Join the Resistance - Save Community Radio!

As many thousands of people across the country mobilise against the Abbott government, 3CR Community Radio is asking its listeners and supporters of independent media to join the resistance by donating money to the station during our annual Radiothon. Community radio may have been spared in the Budget - for now at least - but it's still a disaster for workers, Indigenous people, the elderly, young people, students, Medicare, people with a disability and the unemployed.

May Day 2014

Tune in this Thursday 1 May for 3CR’s annual May Day Broadcast.  Our Thursday programs will bring you all day coverage and analysis of international labour movements and local events.

West Papuan Voices at FoE Sustainable Breakfast

The Sustainable Breakfast Series broadcasts live from Friends of the Earth in Collingwood bringing you alternatives from outside the mainstream, and investigating the "sus" in sustainable.  Listen in 7-8:30am or come along to Friends of the Earth, 312 Smith Street, Collingwood.

3CR Station Tours

Do you want to see how a busy radio station works? Curious about how nearly 400 broadcasters come together to produce radio 24/7? Interested in being in a studio? Want to find out more about 3CR's unique radio philosophy? 3CR runs Station Tours for groups and organisations such as tertiary and secondary institutions, special interest community groups, conference visitors and just about anybody else! For more information click here!

Want to get more involved in your community radio station? Community Radio Federation Elections 2014 are now on. Nominations are now open for Station Worker and Subscriber Representatives to the Community Radio Federation, the highest decision making body at the station. If you are interested in getting involved in the decision making processes of 3CR please download the form here.

A Tribute to Holly Hutchinson

In late 2013 we lost a much loved member of 3CR’s community, Holly Hutchinson. Arriving at 3CR in July 2010, Holly got involved in so many ways around the station, as volunteer receptionist, Friday Breakfaster, Earth Matters presenter, CRAM contributer, Awards Night organising committee member and as general volunteer. We honour the wonderful woman we got to know during her 3 years at the station, and remember the incredible energy and enthusiasm she had for 3CR.