7.15: Dacia Abela, lawyer and program manager at Naarm-based Community Legal Centre WEstjustice, on economic abuse in the context of family violence. Listen to the full Women on the Line episode here//
7.30: Kathryn Kelly, convener of Independent Peaceful Australia Network (IPAN) ACT, on the latest regarding the AUKUS deal between Australia, the US and the UK and the ongoing anti-AUKUS rallies in so-called Australia//
7.45: Steph Thuesen, Projects and Political Liaison at the Health and Community Services Union (HACSU), speaking at the Free Palestine Palm Sunday rally. Revisit speeches from Free Palestine rallies and other events on 3CR//
8.00: Fiona McCormack, Victoria’s Victims of Crime Commissioner, on the way the criminal justice system traumatises victims. The report and details about the Victims Charter including how to make complaints to Victoria's Victims of Crime Commissioner can be found here//
8.15: Hiba, student at the University of Melbourne and organising member for Unimelb for Palestine, on protesting the university’s relationship with weapons manufacturers and "die-in" action planned for this morning. Follow @unimelbforpalestine on Instagram for updates and to get involved//
Ivka, Frances, Kannagi, Phuong, Juliette, Fiza