
3 Nov 2015
Ecuadorian feminist Daniela Alvarado talks about the struggle for reproductive, social and economic rights of women.
Lourdes Garcia Larque & Daniela Alvarado
27 Oct 2015
An interview with Sahar Vardi, a Jewish activist based in Jerusalem and is campaigning against Israeli occupation of Palestine
Jiselle Hanna interviews Sahar Vardi, a progressive Jewish activist based in Jerusalem
20 Oct 2015
An interview with Marisol Salinas about the campaign to free the Mapuche 15
Jiselle Hanna speaks with Marisol Salinas of the Latin American Solidarity Network
13 Oct 2015
We bring again a great interview with Effie Meehan, a woman Greek born woman, an activist for people with disabilities.
Lourdes Garcia Larque & Effie Meehan
22 Sep 2015
The mothers of the missing Mexican students, the Ayotzinapa 43, speak about their journey searching for the truth and justice
Lourdes Garcia Larque, Bertha Nava and Hilda Legideño
15 Sep 2015
A discussion with Chie about the anti war movement in Japan
Jiselle Hanna interviews Chie Matsumoto
8 Sep 2015
We spoke with Effie Meehan, a Greek born woman, a mother, grandmother and campaigner for people with disabilities from linguistically diverse backgrounds.
Lourdes Garcia Larque and Effie Meehan
1 Sep 2015
A Public Meeting with Nita Okoko
Jiselle Hanna and Nita Okoko
11 Aug 2015
An interview with Nasrin, organiser of a public meeting on Islamophobia
Jiselle Hanna interviews Umm Yusha Nasrin
4 Aug 2015
Anganbadi workers that were considered "volunteers" have won recognition as workers
Jiselle Hanna interviews Shivani Kaul of Bigul Mazdoor Dasta
28 Jul 2015
July 20 was a historic day for Cuba and the USA. After more than 54 years, embassies re-opened. A diplomatic victory for both peoples. Meanwhile, the embargo continues, and the illegal US prison in Guantanamo still holds and tortures people. What would this changes mean to Cubans? Is this the end of the Cuban socialist model? Is the re-establishment of diplomatic relations the same as normalisation? Kenia Serrano, President of the Cuban Institute for Friendship with the People’s (ICAP) reflect on these questions.
Lourdes García Larqué & Kenia Serrano
21 Jul 2015
Lorena Pizarro is the President of the Association of Relatives of the Detained and Disappeared in Chile. she toured Australia to talk about the situation of Human Rights in Chile in the past and today.
Lourdes García Larqué & Lorena Pizarro
30 Jun 2015
An analysis of the situation in Greece in the final days before the Referendum Vote
Afrodity Giannakis, member of Syriza and the Left Platform
23 Jun 2015
Palestrinian activist Nadia Abu-Shanab talks about fighting welfare cuts & austerity in Aotearoa (NZ) as co-Chair of Auckanld Action Against Poverty
Lourdes García Larqué and Nadia Abu-Shanab