Long Covid and Mental Health

Wednesday, 5 April 2023 - 6:00pm to 6:30pm
Donna Ciccia is a caucasian woman with shoulder length straight blonde hair, she is wear glasses and a green top, she smiles at the camera with red lipstick on. The Brainwaves logo is in blue and purple underneath Donna's headshot. She is on Brainwaves on 3CR 855am Melbourne to discuss Long Covid and Mental Health from a lived experience lens.
‘Moving one pebble at a time still moves mountains’ is the mantra of Donna Ciccia, Co-Founder and Director of Endometriosis Australia, and a Director at Chronic Pain Australia.
Donna initially studied fashion design and business but after battling chronic health conditions, she went on to study Holistic Nutrition and Homeopathy and is currently completing her Master of Research at NICM Western Sydney University.
In 2018, Donna was named one of the Australian Financial Review’s 100 Women of Influence. She is also today’s guest on our radio show Brainwaves.
Donna will talk about the realities of Long Covid and Mental Health, why it is essential Long Covid is discussed, researched and treated with the proper gravity and respect it deserves. Donna will also discuss chronic illness, pain, seeing invisible illness denial play out again with Long Covid, and endometriosis with host Flic Manning.
Tune in at 5pm (AET) on 3CR Community Radio!
If you would like to hear more about Long Covid Australia or any of the health advocacy that Donna does head to: https://www.donnaciccia.com.au/
Reach out to Flic Manning on: https://flicmanning.com/
Wednesday 5:00pm to 5:30pm
Challenging the mainstream, negative stereotypes of people with a mental illness, Brainwaves actively engages those living with a mental illness as researchers, interviewers, performers and program designers while promoting community mental health awareness.


Members of Wellways Australia
