Pacifique X and Finding Eimable

Monday, 9 August 2021 - 2:30pm to 3:00pm
Image: Pacifique X and Finding Eimable

Please be aware this week's episode discusses a missing person case. If this is a trigger for you please come back another week. For crisis support call Lifeline on 13 11 14.

We speak to Harmony, the sister of Eimable Manirakiza, a young musician who went missing from Melbourne's West. A month has gone by and his family is desperately trying to find him. So if you're based in Melbourne, especially in the Point Cook area please keep an eye out for him. Harmony spoke to us about her brother, when and where he was last seen, and what to do if you spot him. 

Later in the show, we'll hear from Pacifique X, a collective creating safe space for Pacific Islands LGBTIQA+ community.

A show that provides a platform for people interested in ideas about home, community, and belonging.


Ayan Shirwa.

