Cut it down, dig it up: your tax dollars at work

Monday, 17 August 2015 - 10:30am to 11:00am

A planning blunder led to the destruction of almost 900 towering old native trees after VicRoads severely underestimated the environmental impact of a highway project it is managing.  WHAM (Western Highway Alternative Mindsets) is a community campaign pushing back and asking why. Dirt Radio talks with Wham's spokesperson about how it happened.

Coal is cheap, renewables are expensive: the Abbott government mantra heard with monotonous regularity when future energy needs in Australia get a public airing. This sham claim is pulled apart in the second part of the show.

Dirt Radio is Friends of the Earth Melbourne's show on 3CR
Tuesday 9:30am to 10:00am
Friends of the Earth campaigners and activists dig down into the dirt on important environmental and social justice issues.


Friends of the Earth Crew
