Pam Vardy, Stephen Ryan - Dicksonia Rare Plants, Virginia Heywood - guide, Royal Botanic Gardens Melbourne, Graham Sargeant - Silkies Rose Farm, Clonbinane, and special guest Clive Larkman - Renaissance Herbs re Herb and Chilli Festival.
Pam Vardy, Stephen Ryan - Dicksonia Rare Plants, Graham Sargeant - Silkies Rose Farm, Clonbinane, and Virginia Heywood - guide, Royal Botanic Gardens Victoria, Melbourne garden.
Pam Vardy, Penny Woodward - author and edible and useful plants expert, Dr. Chris Williams - Lecturer in Urban Horticulture, University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus, and phone interview with Karen Sutherland - "Edible Eden Design".
Chloe Foster - Horticulturist, Greg Boldiston - Longinomous Plants, Virginia Heywood - Guide, Royal Botanic Gardens Melbourne, and phone interview with Sarah Beaumont - owner of Eurambeen Historic Homestead and Garden.