Chatting Horticulture Industry Issues and Global Food Injustice in Palestine, Kanaky and so-called Australia

Sunday, 22 September 2024 - 10:00am to Sunday, 29 September 2024 - 10:30am

An impromptu episode after a last minute cancelation where Amy talks about her experience in the horticulture industry and global food injustices in Palestine, Kanaky and so called Australia. 


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For your union education:

Black Peoples Union

PiP Magazine - Indigenous Knowledge


Oom-Sha-La-La by Haley Heynderickx

Listen to Programming on Palestine:

Palestine Remembered

Salam Radio Show

Solidarity Breakfast

Asia Pacific Currents

Listen to First Nations Issues on 3CR:






A few clarifications from the episode:

  • I mispoke, I did not mean to call into question Bruce Pascoe's first nations identity. I was refering to an on going to conversation on settler and First Nations authors using the specific intelectual property of other specfic First Nations in so-called Australia. 
  • Glyphosate aka Round Up, is a broadspectrum herbicide most commonly used in Australia. Over use of glyphosate damages soil health, exposes workers and people nearby to a carcengenic chemical.