Monday Breakfast December 17 2018 - ALP Chin-wag, Teenage Eco-Socialist Take Over, Greer vs Summers, He-Who-Must-Not-be-Named at the Suppression Order

Monday, 17 December 2018 - 7:00am to 8:30am

7am Acknowledgment of country 

7:02am Alternative news: Red Umbrella Day, Commentating on the ALP National Conference of the weekend just gone.

7:15am Song Black Eyed Peas “Big Love” Then more Alt News.

7:30am Leo Crnogorcevic - Socialist Alliance and Youth Action Climate Coalition on walking out of school and the dinosaurs in Canberra and why they won’t do nothing. 

7:50am OTW – Peter Davis reflects on Christmas and the shameful actions of the Catholic Church.


8:00am Zora Simic from the Australian Book Review reviews two news books about legendary and controversial Australian feminists Germaine Greer and Anne Summers. 

8:15am Regular legal commentator Lizzie O’Shea joins us to talk about Supression Orders – in the news due to multiple cases currently being heard in Victora.