Monday Breakfast - sexual harassment in the workplace and the Sex Discrimination Act, cultural appropriation of Indigenous artefacts and ecofeminism, far right reaction to US election, waterways, eels and Indigenous knowledge at Uni of Melbourne

Monday, 16 November 2020 - 7:00am to 8:30am

07:00  Acknowledgement of Country

07:19  Claudia talks to RMIT employment law lecturer Dr Elizabeth Shi about the culture of silence surrounding sexual harassment in the workplace, shortcomings of the Sex Discrimination Act (Cth) 1984, and a structured legal alternative involving systemic organisational responsibility rather than an individualised approach. She also discusses the importance of leadership in bringing about change and the recent Four Corners episode which investigated the alleged misconduct of two federal ministers and suggested a misogynistic culture exists in the workplace of the so-called "Canberra bubble". 

To read Dr Shi's paper go to -

7:39 Ella presents a conversation between Professors Aileen Morton Robinson and Fiona Nicoll from the Wheeler Centre's Broadly Speaking series. Fiona and Aileen discuss the history of cultural appropriation in Australia, the ways in which feminist movements clash with ideas of Indigenous sovereignty, and the relationship between ecofeminism and Indigenous women's knowledge.

7:59 Paddy talks with Cam Smith, presenter of 3CR's Yeah Nah Pasaran show about the far right's reaction to Donald Trump's loss at the US election.

Yeah Nah Pasaran airs 4.30pm every Thursday on 3CR

8:11  James Whitnail from Out Of The Blue chats to Zena Cumpston, a Barkandji woman and research fellow at the University of Melbourne, to find out all about eels that still make their way through the drains of the university, following old watercourses buried under the concrete. Zena tells us about her research on Indigenous knowledge and the importance of learning about our pre-invasion environment. 

Find out more at The Living Pavillion

Out Of The Blue is on 3CR every Sunday from 11:30am to 12:00pm.



Better in Blak by Thelma Plum

Paper Hearts by Leah Flanaghan

Glitter in Their Eyes by Patty Smith

Amazones Power by Les Amazones d'Afrique

Bluebird  by T J Patrick