Jan from Tuesday Hometime speaks with Max Costello (LLM) former WorkSafe Victoria prosecuting solicitor and RMIT Law lecturer to explain the past sabotage of refugee law in Australia. Costello co-wrote submissions to the 2014 Moss review and the 2015 Senate Select Committee on Nauru abuses, highlighting misconduct and violation of rights from the former Australian government and the manipulation of legislation.
Jan Bartlett speaks with Assoc Professor Jake Lynch, Chair of the Department of Peace and Conflict Studies (DPACS) at the University of Sydney on politics and thepower of peace journalism for Palestine
Jan Speaks to Bob Phelps from the Gene Ethics Network on the power of the Seed ( in two parts) Gene Ethics envisages a safer, more equitable and more sustainable GM-free society. More info ar http://www.geneethics.org
Rob Harrison and Hannah York