Tune into 3CR's live radio broadcast at the Sustainable Living Festival on 21 February, 11am - 1pm.
We shall also be having a 3CR stall at the broadcast so come down and meet the presenters of 3CR's seven environment programs!
We know that 3CR is fiercely independent and wildly diverse...but what do you like about 3CR? Tell us 'Why I Love 3CR' and we will make an on air announcement of your message for Subscriber Drive (23 February to 1 March). Call 9513 2042 or email 3CR. We also want your Radiothon 2009 Slogan ideas...
On Monday January 26 3CR celebrates Indigenous culture, community and activism. Tune in for Survival Day editions on 3CR programs. Hear about the recent commemoration of two Aboriginal freedom fighters and don't miss the live cross to the Share the Spirit Festival. Read on...
Cold Tea For Brandy - a tale of Protest, Painting and Politics by Joan Coxsedge is now selling at 3CR for only $30 plus postage. In this recently-published autobiography Coxsedge reveals Australia’s hidden history, exposes the crimes of U.S. imperialism, explains how difficult it is to radically democratise Australian society and talks of being an antiwar activist, anti-imperialist elected official and politically-conscious painter since the early 1960s.